Thursday, June 15

Nemesis Rides A Dark Motor Scooter

In May of 1935, T.E. Lawrence died in a freak motorcycle crash on a back road in England. He swerved to avoid two boys on bicycles. I couldn't help but think about this when some sixty years later, Marshall crashed his motor scooter on a steep hillside road on a small Greek island.

After the Temple of Zeus, we were once again zipping along the road, when, just like Orpheus, I became worried that Marshall was no longer behind me. After about thirty seconds, I was sure of it. We all doubled back, hearts pounding, and found him righting his scooter, with a Greek man helping him. He had taken a bad spill. Marshall's left elbow was skinned and bloodied, his right pant-leg shredded and blood-stained at the knee, but he was otherwise intact. He could have gone over the edge, as there was no guard-rail. Later on he told us that the man had suddenly merged from another road and basically ran him off the road, but Marshall's quick reactions averted a disaster.

(Un)Easy Rider?

The scooter took some damage but was still functional. Marshall got right back on his horse and rode off carefully into a small town where we patched him up and gave him some orange juice to revive his spirits. What a trooper.

Marshall, sporting a jaunty bandana on his elbow.

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